Take action to support communities fighting coal on the front lines, in the UK and internationally.

Take action – let planners say no to new coal mining

Take action – let planners say no to new coal mining TAKE ACTION The public consultation window for the National Policy and Planning Framework represents the first opportunity since the new UK Government was formed to stop any new coal mine application winning planning permission…

Global Week of Action: Putting Insurance Industry in the Hot Seat

The insurance industry found itself in the spotlight last week as a Global Week of Action blossomed across the world. From February 27th to March 3rd 2024, a wave of protests, both online and in the streets, swept through the doors of insurance giants, demanding accountability over their support for polluters and decisive action on climate change.

Energy Bill – cut out coal!

With a margin of 3 votes (197 for vs 194 against) in the House of Lords on 17th April 2023, Lord Teverson amended the Energy Bill to include a new clause on the ‘prohibition of new coal mines’…

Glan Lash – write to your councillors

This drone footage shot on 06 April 2023 shows plainly the local environmental impact of the Glan Lash opencast coal mine, and sends a powerful message to Carmarthenshire’s Councillors, expected to make a decision in the coming months on whether to allow this local environmental travesty to expand in size and continue for longer…

What to do when “our world needs climate action on all fronts”…?

In March, leading climate scientists delivered a “final warning” on climate change: act now. We’ve got five actions you can take with us to keep the pressure on the governments, financiers, insurers, and fossil fuel companies that are pushing us deeper into climate crisis.

Tell Probitas: Break up with Adani

Activists delivered thousands of messages from people around the world to all three of Probitas 1492’s UK offices, with the message: “Probitas, break up with Adani.” Find out how you can take action to cut of this toxic project’s insurance.

Twitter-Storm against Cumbria coking coal mine

Following the shocking decision that the UK government are allowing a new underground coking coal mine under the sea by Whitehaven Cumbria, we invite you to show your disdain and join our protest. The action is a twitter ‘storm’ now that a decision has been made.

Deiseb: Llywodraeth Cymru Peidiwch ag ehangu pwll glo brig mwyaf y DU

Wales is about to decide whether to expand the UK’s largest opencast coal mine by nearly 4 years, emitting almost 6 million tonnes of CO2, and 16,000 tonnes of methane from the coal mine itself. The climate-trashing Ffos-y-fran coal mine in Merthyr Tydfil extracts up to 50,000 tonnes of coal every month…

Sign this petition to stop the expansion of UK’s biggest opencast coal mine

Wales is about to decide whether to expand the UK’s largest opencast coal mine by nearly 4 years, emitting almost 6 million tonnes of CO2, and 16,000 tonnes of methane from the coal mine itself. The climate-trashing Ffos-y-fran coal mine in Merthyr Tydfil extracts up to 50,000 tonnes of coal every month…

ACTION: British Science Museum’s dirty coal money

The Adani Group wants to expand its coal operations by 800%. Sadly, this is the British Science Museum’s new sponsor of the ‘Energy Revolution’ Gallery!


Lloyd’s of London Climate Memorial – #DefundClimateChaos Global Day of Action

Join us on 29th October in either London or Newcastle for a memorial to bring to life the memories of every person harmed by the injustices of the climate crisis, as well as celebrate their fierce resistance to it.

Rallies against proposed West Cumbria coal mine

We are the canaries in this decision, and we’ll be on the streets in West Cumbria and London on the first day of the public inquiry into the West Cumbria coal mine proposal to warn the Minister…

Hamilton Power Hours – Phone calling guide

Our guide to calling staff members at Hamilton to ask them to rule out insuring the Adani coal mine.

Day of action against Lloyd’s of London

Join us on a day of action against Lloyd’s of London (no relation to Lloyds bank) and their marketplace insurers of fossil fuel projects on 17 May

Phone ARK to Stop Adani

Call staff members at ARK to ask them to rule out insuring the Adani coal mine.

Stop Adani – Contact ARK on LinkedIn

Send Ark Insurance’s management LinkedIn messages and get them to stop insuring the Adani coal mine.

West Cumbria Mine – Calendar Jam Lloyd’s

Send loads of calendar invites to insurance company directors and CEOs, to demand they rule out insurance for the West Cumbria coal mine.

Right now, Lloyd’s of London is insuring climate wrecking coal mines across the world. Help us stop them insuring the Adani mega-mine in Australia.

Stop Lloyds Insuring Adani

Right now, Lloyd’s of London is insuring climate wrecking coal mines across the world. Help us stop them insuring the Adani mega-mine in Australia.

Get involved in fighting against the Cumbrian coal mine

There’s growing momentum against a new coal mine in Cumbria. Join these actions to increase the pressure to reject it.

Urgent youth action- demand that government stops a new coal mine & gets real about climate change

Thanks everyone who helped, this action has now ended.
Could you participate in an online demonstration? We’re asking young people to take a photograph of themselves with a placard against the planned coal mine. We want to add these photos to a video of us sending this petition on Monday to demand the government stops this coal mine.

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