Meet the people behind the grassroots campaigns to stop coal mining and for a transition to a clean, just energy system.

These are the groups Coal Action Network is most involved with in the UK and internationally.

Stop Adani

Adani’s Australian Charmichael mine is insured by UK firms, so Coal Action Network supporters have been organising in support of Stop Adani’s call to prevent the mine getting insurance

Campaigns to stop Woodhouse Colliery: Cumbria

‘Woodhouse Colliery’, a 50-year mine near Whitehaven in Cumbria would run until 2040. The large scale underground and under-sea mine would generate over 9 million tonnes of CO2 per year producing coking coal to be exported to Europe.

Still Burning

A Europe-wide network opposing imports of coal to Europe through direct action and education, with a focus on neocolonialism in European coal consumption

London Mining Network

London Mining Network (LMN) is an alliance of human rights, development, environmental and solidarity groups of which Coal Action Network is a member. The network focuses on international mining companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Europe Beyond Coal

Europe Beyond Coal’s campaign goal is to ensure coal is phased out throughout Europe by 2030 at the latest.

UVAG (United Valleys Action Group)

UVAG (United Valleys Action Group) is a community campaign group working in the Heads of The Valleys zone in South Wales since 2010.

Defend Dewley Hill

A successful community campaign lead by residents of Throckley, Newcastle, against Banks Group’s plan to extract 800,000 tonnes of coal and 40,000 tonnes of fireclay from agricultural and wooded land.

Save Druridge

Save Druridge successfully defended ‘Druridge Bay’ from becoming a 3 million tonne opencast coal mine, known as ‘Highthorn’ proposed by Banks Group.

Campaign to Protect Pont Valley: Durham

The community had fought over 30 years to stop UK Coal, and in 2019 teamed up with national and international activists to bring a vibrant and inspiring campaign which mixed direct action with political lobbying and legal challenges.

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