Organisations working against the proposed West Cumbrian coal mine

There are a range of organisations fighting against this disastrous proposal, each with different tactics and strategy, but working together to stop the mine. We encourage you to look at their information and get in touch direct if you'd like to work with them.

South Lakes Action on Climate Change (SLACC) is a community-based charity which brings together people who want to do something about climate change and promote a more sustainable lifestyle. SLACC is currently running a legal challenge against the Government's approval of the proposed mine.

Friends of the Earth is a grassroots environmental campaigning community. From campaigners and lawyers to local action groups and supporters across the country, it pushes for change for people and planet. Friends of the Earth is currently running a legal challenge against the Government's approval of the proposed mine.

Extinction Rebellion North Lakes and Extinction Rebellion South Lakes are active on this issue across Cumbria and bring together people in opposition to the mine at a local and national level.

Campaign Against Climate Change believes in the power of street protests, big and small, in working in coalitions as part of a wider movement and in making the links between climate change and other social justice issues. They have a trade union group and produced the report Climate Jobs: Building a workforce for the climate emergency

Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties. The Cumbria and North Lancaster group is involved in protests against the proposal.

BankTrack is the international tracking, campaigning and civil society support organisation targeting private sector commercial banks (‘banks') and the activities they finance. Bank Track has written this brilliant profile on the proposal

Reclaim Finance is a research and campaigning organization that is looking at the funding of the proposal.

Cumbria Action for Sustainability undertakes practical projects with communities and organisations of all kinds to encourage the transition from high to low carbon lives and livelihoods. It has produced research on the potential in Cumbria for jobs which would contribute to decarbonisation as an alternative to the coal mine.

And of course there are local people against the proposal, non-affiliated individuals and local representatives of organisation such as the Green Party, trade unions etc.


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